So I started this blog with the best of intentions...really I swear I did. But as life goes (or ours at least) I never quite have enough time for things I would like to get done.
But since my last post, we have had some amazing news! A.J. does not have to go back to the army!! Yay! For those of you out of the loop, the army tried to recall A.J. in June. We fought it with everything we had. Just when it looked like there was no hope, low and behold he was notified that his hardship application was accepted! Which means the army can neve again try to recall him! Which means I can finally throw out all of the army crap that takes up half of the walk-in closet in our guest bedroom. Which means my dream of owning a vacation home may only be a few years away! Not bad for a 28 year old from GA! Truly all of that pales in comparison to the fact that A.J. will not be put in harms way!
He most likely will go back overseas, but it will be on our terms and under much safer conditions! I just like feeling that we have some control over what happens to us and our future plans!
So after going through all of that, I can honestly say that my opinion on a few things has changed. I will not get all political on you. I only urge you to take a look at some of the laws that have come into effect over the term of the last presidency. Mainly the laws affecting our troops and their families. It's time for a change and that's all I'll say about that!
So as I step down from my soap-box (no applause needed) I promise to do better with this blog! Perhaps I'll even post a picture or two next time! Perhaps...but please be patient :)
Strawberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake
16 hours ago