Monday, April 26, 2010

Ch Ch Ch Changes...

Here at the Walton house many things are going on. From the backyard to a second guest room, things are getting changed up all over the place.

This time of year always means a little sprucing up in our household. The biggest change this year is coming in the form of a fence. We've debated putting one up since the day we moved in here. At first, we didn't think we needed one and we actually liked the idea of getting to know our neighbors. Fast forward 5 years and it's a different story folks. Both of our neighbors have put up unsightly trampolines and have added tiny, yippy, dogs to their families. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. I do not, however, love them peeing on our outdoor furniture. Which leads to another patio furniture. This was ordered two weeks ago and has yet to show up. I'm hoping it does before we leave for D.C. on Wednesday.

The other big change this year is the second guest room. Our house has 4 "bedrooms" and we've always used at least one of those as a guest room. One room has been changed 3 times in 5 years. It has gone from a guest room, to A.J.'s man cave, and now back to a guest room. We've moved the old guest room furniture into said room and our now just waiting on new furniture for the back room.

So while there are a lot of changes going on, right now we're just playing the waiting game. We're waiting for our fence to up, waiting for the landscaper to give us an estimate, waiting for the patio furniture, and waiting for the new bedroom set. These last few days have been a lesson in patience. Something tells me the next few days will be as well!

As soon as some of these projects are complete, I'll be sure to upload some pictures!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Girls Weekend

This trip to Daytona was just what the Dr. ordered!! It's been quite a while since I was able to escape everything, hang out with one of my favorite people, and just enjoy the view.

This was the first time I'd been back to Daytong in 2 years. That's a record for me. As soon as I crossed over the Dunlawton bridge I felt like I was home. And now for the life of me I can't remember why I stayed away so long. I already have an itch to go back. Daytona for me, truly is a second home. I have so many friends and family members there. So many of my favorite times have taken place in that town. It was so nice to finally share it with one of my girlfriends.

We started off the trip with a stop in Savannah for one of the best bloody marys I've ever had. (I highly recommend you go buy a bottle of Zing Zang mix immediately) After finishing lunch, we continued the drive down 95. From the minute we got to the house it was perfect. From the Ocean Deck, to a party at Razor & Libby's, & the time spent with friends and family, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect weekend.

Everyone needs a girls weekend. I love my husband to death, but every now and then it's good to get away and have some girl time. My girls include friends far and near, my mom, sisters, aunts, cousins, and grandmothers. Any time spent with any of them is precious! It makes me realize how lucky I am to have people in my life that I can truly count on, bring out the best in me, and know how to bring on the good times! Here's to many more great girls weekends to come!!