So 2009 came and went without one blog post from me. When I began this, I really did have the best of intentions. I've taken some time to regroup, reevaluate if you will. I think I've come up with a way to keep everyone informed to my goings-on and write something that will be of some use.
Since I travel so much for both work and pleasure, I thought this would be a good place to start documenting those travels. I get quite a few requests for restaurant, hotel, and activity recommendations. I've decided to archive my best of the best here. Rest assured if I've visited the town, my favorite picks will be listed here. That being said, there will be no back-logging. I will begin from today and chronicle my trips here after.
Next up: Ft. Collins, CO...stay tuned :)
yay, you're back!!
I have noticed that your last post sounded quite a bit like your second bolg. I am excited to hear what yinz guys are up to. Hope we can get together sometime you guys are up this way.
Welcome back! Can't wait to hear about all of your adventures!
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